हैलो दोस्तो, Tally Prime टेस्ट सीरीज मे आपका स्वागत है ।

आप नीचे दी गयी टेस्ट सीरीज को अच्छे से पढ़ें और टेस्ट सीरीज को पढ़ने के बाद , सबसे आखिर में एक Tally Prime Mock Test दिया गया है जिसके द्वारा आप अपनी प्रैक्टिस और भी अच्छे से कर सकते है ।

1. A ______ is sent to the seller when he is taken back the sold goods.
A. Debit note
B. Bill
C. Proforma invoice
D. Credit note

Answer- (A) Debit note

2. Which of the following example of external users of accounting information?
A. Government
B. Management
C. Owners
D. Employee

Answer- (A) Government

3. Which option is used to place data taken in pen drive or CD to Appropriate place in Accounting Tally?
A. Backup
B. Restore
C. Split Company Data
D. None of these

Answer- (B) Restore

4. Tally package is developed by?
A. Peutronics
B. Tally Solutions
C. Vedika Softwares
D. Coral Softwares

Answer- (B) Tally Solution

5. In Which following is not a transaction?
A. Goods are purchased on cash basis for Rs 1000
B. Land is purchased for Rs 10 lakhs
C. Salaries paid for the month of May 20XX
D. An employee is dismissed from the job

Answer- (D) An employee is dismissed from the job

6. Which option is used in Tally Prime to close opened Company?
A. Alter
B. Shut Company
C. Select Company
D. Create Company

Answer- (B) Shut Company

7. To make changes in created company in Tally, Which option is used?
A. Select Company
B. Shut Company
C. Alter
D. None of above

Answer- (C) Alter

8. From Company Info., Which option menu is selected to create a new Company in Tally?
A. Company Create
B. Create Company
C. Create
D. New Company

Answer- (B) Create Company

9. How many are  pre-defined groups in Tally?
A. 28
B. 30
C. 15
D. 19

Answer- (A) 28

10. Which ledger is created by Tally Prime automatically as soon as we create a new company?
A. Cash
B. Profit & Loss A/c
C. Capital A/c
D. A and B both

Answer- (D) A and B both

11. Which option is used to view the list of Primary and Secondary groups in Tally?
A. List of Accounts
B. Accounts
C. List
D. None of these

Answer- (A) List of Accounts

12. Which menu is used to create new ledgers, groups and voucher types in Tally?
A. Reports
B. Import
C. Transactions
D. Masters

Answer- (D) Masters

13. Salary Account comes under which head?
A. Indirect Incomes
B. Indirect Expenses
C. Direct Incomes
D. Direct Expenses

Answer- (B) Indirect Expenses

14. To get Payroll Reports choose______.
A. Gateway of Tally > Display
B. Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Accounts
C. Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Payroll
D. Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports

Answer- (D) Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports

15. BOM represents?
A. Billing of Machines
B. Bill of Materials
C. Bill of Maintenance
D. None of these

Answer- (B) Bill of Materials

हैलो दोस्तो,

हम उम्मीद करते है कि आपने TALLY OBJECTIVES 1 – ENG की प्रैक्टिस अच्छे से की होगी।

अब आप नीचे दिये गये TALLY OBJECTIVES सीरीज मे अपना नाम तथा ई-मेल आईडी डालकर एक छोटा सा टेस्ट दे और चैक करें कि आपने कितने प्रश्नों का उत्तर सही दिया है अथवा गलत दिया है

इस टेस्ट मे कुल 15 प्रश्न होंगे जिसको पूरा करने के लिये आपको 15 मिनट दिये जायेंगे । टेस्ट पूरा होते ही आपके सामने दिये गये टेस्ट का रिजल्ट दिखाई देगा ।

कृपया ध्यान दे —>  

आप नीचे दिये गये टेस्ट में जो भी ई-मेल आईडी डालेंगे, आपके द्वारा दिये गये टेस्ट का रिजल्ट आपकी ई-मेल पर भी डिस्प्ले हो जायेगा।

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